10 Of The Craziest Things People Have Done at Walt Disney World
Walt Disney World opened its doors for the first time on October 1, 1971, and over the past 44 years, millions of guests have visited this most magical place on earth. During these years, there have been some crazy stunts, either on purpose or accidentally, committed by some quirky guests. Some of these incidents have resulted in removal from the Park, banishment from WDW for life, or in a small number of cases, police involvement and arrest. Here are some of those crazy incidents.
Remembering Loved Ones
There have been guests who think a Walt Disney World attraction or ride would be a perfect place to spread the ashes of a recently departed friend or relative. It is reported that a guest did just that while on the Haunted Mansion. Because of their act, the ride had to be closed and cleaned. Walt Disney World is not the proper place for your loved one’s final resting place!