Since the inception of the Marvel Cinematic Universe with 2008’s Iron Man, persistent rumors have circulated about Tom Cruise potentially embodying the iconic role of Tony Stark. The casting of Robert Downey Jr. in the titular role ultimately solidified the actor’s status as a cinematic icon, yet the question of why Cruise was not selected has remained a subject of ...
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Jonathan Majors Promises to Return as Kang and Replace Robert Downey Jr.
Jonathan Majors is speaking out for the first since being replaced as the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s biggest villain by its most prominent former hero, Robert Downey Jr. According to Majors, he is ready to return as Kang the Conqueror and has one thing to say: “hell yeah.” Jonathan Majors made his MCU debut in Loki, the Tom Hiddleston-starring Disney+ series. ...
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