
  • Jun- 2015 -
    10 June
    Disney Tips & Tricks

    When To Travel to Disney If You Hate Crowds

    Imagine it… Walt Disney World, the place where dreams come true, filled with your favorite characters, fun thrill rides…..and crowds. If you are anything like me, being stuck in a throng of hot, sweaty people on a sweltering summer day is not your idea of a fun vacation. Don’t worry! There are lots of ways you can avoid crowds at Disney World. Check out the list below for tips on when you should t

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  • Apr- 2015 -
    24 April
    Disney Evergreen & History

    16 Busiest Days and Weekends in Disney World

    There are so many busy times for Disney, but there are some days that are worse than others. If schools are out, Disney World is busy. Disney has a season, but it’s not like the normal seasons. Besides being more crowded, prices tend to go up. Not for the park tickets, but for just about everything else. One plus to attending the parks during the peak times is that Disney usually pulls out all the

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  • Mar- 2015 -
    20 March
    Disney Evergreen & History

    6 Ways You Might Be Doing Disney Wrong!

    Have you ever heard someone say they “hate Disney” or they “aren’t a Disney person”? I hear this all of the time when I talk about being a Disney Fanatic, and it often makes me wonder. How could anyone possibly hate the happiest place on Earth? But when I visit Disney, I can see evidence of why people might not be enjoying themselves as much as they could. Here is our

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  • 12 March
    Disney Evergreen & History

    Top 10 Ways To Survive Crowded Days At Walt Disney World

    Sometimes your WDW vacation coincides with certain holidays which tend to draw heavier than usual crowds, like Christmas, Easter, 4th of July, Spring Break, etc. There are ways to maneuver around those crowds and still have a great experience at the “most magical place on earth”! My family and I have visited Disney World during Spring Break and Thanksgiving Week, and with some careful pre-planning

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  • 2 March
    Disney Tips & Trickscinderellas castle _ disney world _ controversial changes

    Lowest Crowd Times of the Year to Visit Disney

    Walt Disney World is one of the most visited amusement parks in the country, and as such, there are only a few short periods when the parks are not quite as crowded as the rest of the year. Of course, Disney World is an exciting and wondrous place to visit any time of the year. However, for those visitors who would rather not stand in a lengthy line for an attraction, ride, or dining, I have a few

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  • Feb- 2015 -
    28 February
    Disney Tips & Tricks

    Top 11 Most Crowded Times of the Year at Disney World

    If you are considering a trip to Walt Disney World in Florida, perhaps your biggest decision will be when to go. Crowd levels fluctuate throughout the year, usually in conjunction with the school year. Believe it or not, there are advantages to going during busy times. Crowds are high at certain times for a reason. Something exciting is happening at Disney! Think Christmas and New Year’s, with all

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  • Jan- 2015 -
    4 January
    Disney Evergreen & History

    8 Ways To Beat The Crowds At Disney World

    Aside from creating magical memories and having the time of your life, there is one guarantee that you can bet on for your next Disney trip; crowds! Even through tough economic times, families are still finding ways to travel to the happiest place on earth. Crowds can put a major damper to your plans. It can be challenging to work your way around them, but not to fear! Here are 8 ways to beat the

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