Disney World Crowds
May- 2023 -22 MayNews
Cast Members Watch As Disney Guests Rapidly Vanish
If you ask a Disney Fanatic about the pros and cons of a Walt Disney World Resort vacation these days, the resulting list will most likely involve high prices and jam-packed crowds. After all, a Disney vacation these days is often associated with long wait times for rides or attractions, ride breakdowns or malfunctions that add to those already-long wait times, and crowd control methods akin to th
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Apr- 2023 -11 AprilNews
Disney’s Spring Break Crowds Have Turned Vacations Into “Hunger Games”
A “tranquil community” featuring “shimmering waterways” and “swaying palm trees.” A bevy of “sun-soaked pools” and a Disney Resort oozing “the romance of the Florida Keys.” These are the sights and ‘delights’ that are meant to be awaiting any Guests of Disney’s Old Key West Resort — but if you’re headed to this Di
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10 AprilNews
Guest Reports Alarming Symptoms After Disney Water Park Visit
Travel always comes with risks, as do most experiences or activities in life, but some trips are more hazardous than others — and being in the oftentimes-enormous crowds in Walt Disney World Resort, Disneyland Resort, or the international Disney Parks can certainly come with its own hazards! One of these hazards is, of course, illness — and some Disney Guests have recently noticed a ve
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Feb- 2023 -24 FebruaryNews
Schools Clearly No Longer Decide When Families Visit Disney World
I am writing this article during my stay at Gran Destino Tower at Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort. It is the end of February, in the middle of the week, and my Resort hotel–and the Theme Parks as a whol–is filled with kids. My inner child is screaming with jealousy, and my inner old man is screaming with frustration. Like probably many reading this article, I grew up shackled to
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Jan- 2023 -1 JanuaryNews
This was the Best Time to Visit Disney World in 2022
2022 was a crazy year for the Walt Disney World Resort, especially in matters of crowds. At no point during the year did the flow of Guests seem to slow down as it had in the past. Post-holiday slow seasons appeared to be non-existent as a combination of “revenge travel” and families taking advantage of their school systems’ over-drawn covid-justified online learning protocols put the idea of trad
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