The animated film, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, released by Disney in 1996, is based on Victor Hugo’s classic novel. The narrative revolves around Quasimodo, a hunchbacked bell-ringer who longs to be part of the world outside his cathedral confines. Set against the backdrop of medieval Paris, the film explores themes of love, acceptance, and human nature. It was not ...
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Why Did Disney Cancel It’s Live-Action ‘Hunchback of Notre Dame’?
In 1996, Disney brought one of the most famous novels to life with the release of The Hunchback of Notre Dame. The film was based on the novel by Victor Hugo, and told the story of Quasimodo, the bell-ringer at Notre Dame Cathedral. Quasimodo sneaks out to experience life among the people of Paris and ends up risking his life to ...
Read More »Josh Gad Addresses ‘Hunchback of Notre Dame’ Casting Rumors
It’s no secret that social media is a double-edged sword, and that rumors can quickly spread even if they have no basis in fact. Disney Legend and Frozen icon Josh Gad has just gotten a taste of this phenomenon, as rumors of his casting in Disney’s Hunchback of Notre Dame live-action remake have gone viral! Josh Gad wrote in a post on Instagram that ...
Read More »Villainous Survey Part One: Top Disney Villains We Love to Hate
Let’s be honest; there are some pretty popular Disney villains you probably don’t hate the way you should. Dare we admit that some villains are even likable, in their own contemptuous ways? Or maybe it’s just the fact that we love hating them so much that makes us so enamored by them. Whatever the reason, we’re putting together this survey ...
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