Oswald the Lucky Rabbit
Jan- 2023 -20 JanuaryNews
Rare Old-School Characters Appear for Disney Park Special Event
Not every Disney fan is an ardent Disney character enthusiast who chases down rare characters for Meet and Greets, autographs, and photos during their Disney vacations or special events at Disney Parks (such as the runDisney marathon, where two rare characters did just make an appearance). However, there are still plenty of character “collectors” who would like to spend some of their p
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Dec- 2022 -1 DecemberNews
Video: Disney Releases First Oswald Cartoon in 95 Years
It may have been all started by a mouse, but before there was ever a mouse, there was a rabbit. Oswald the Rabbit. Related: Video: Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Makes Disney Park Appearance! Over recent years, more and more Disney fans have become aware of Oswald’s place in the Disney story. He was essentially Walt’s first success in animation, becoming the subject of several silent shorts that Walt and
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Apr- 2022 -8 AprilDisney Evergreen & History
A Tribute to Animated Farm Animal Friends From Disney Films
One major constant we’ve seen implemented throughout various works from Walt Disney Entertainment over the years is the incorporation of amiable animal characters. The most recognizable face of Disney, after all, is none other than the iconic Mickey Mouse. But there have also been many others, including a whole host of farm-friendly familiars. From those loving creatures who appear in traditional
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6 AprilNews
Video: Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Makes Disney Park Appearance!
We have said it before, and we will say it again: rare character sightings have a way to bring extra-special levels of magic to Guests’ Disney day. And while some of those sightings and meet and greets are extremely rare, impromptu moments that we cannot give our readers a heads up on, they stand as further proof that one can never truly know what to expect when they visit the Disneyland Res
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Dec- 2021 -28 DecemberNews
The “Oswald: The Lucky Rabbit” Series Previously Announced for Disney+ is Now Cancelled
When then Disney CEO Bob Iger announced a brand new streaming platform for Disney fans would be launching in 2019, fans were ecstatic and we could not wait to hear about what kinds of all-new content we would be able to watch on Disney+. Throughout the following year, we continued to learn about new series and original films that were in production for the platform, and the excitement continued to
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Oct- 2021 -26 OctoberUncategorized
7 Brilliant Bunnies From the Disneyverse
The Disneyverse is filled with all sorts of animals, and there are several of each species that span the countless movies and TV shows. In fact, it’s the animal characters that tend to make up the better part of Disney’s population. But what is it about anthropomorphic animals that we love so much? Don’t worry, we’re not here to psycho-analyze the House of Mouse’s obs
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