7. Dine in Beast’s Castle
Have you ever watched “Beauty and the Beast”? Like Belle, wouldn’t you just love to explore the Beast Castle? At the Magic Kingdom, you can! The Be Our Guest Restaurant is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The castle has three rooms whose names relate directly to the film: The West Wing, The Ballroom and the Rose Gallery. The centerpiece of the Rose Gallery is a large-scale replica of a music box made by Maurice and showing Belle and Beast dancing. The walls are decorated with portraits from the tale and other pieces of art.
The West Wing is Beast’s hideaway, dark and foreboding, and the furnishings appear to have been ravaged by Beast’s frequent fits of anger. In the Armory Room, there are talking Suits of Armor! There are periodic “thunderstorms” in the West Wing, with lightning flashes and sound effects. When the last petal on an Enchanted Rose placed in the rear of the room drops and the thunderstorm is upon the room, a portrait of Belle’s handsome prince changes to an image of Beast.