9. Every seat is a good seat
Many guests tend to get annoyed when cast members ask them to move all the way down during shows in the parks. Don’t worry if you end up in the back or on the end in a show. Disney’s theaters are truly designed so that every seat is a good seat. If you move all the way to the end you’ll be able to make room for more guests to experience the show and you’ll keep wait times at their shortest.
10. Check height requirements in advance
If you’re visiting the parks with little ones, checking height requirements in advance can really help avoid meltdowns in the parks. If you know in advance that the kids aren’t tall enough for a ride, you can avoid trying to get on it in the parks which may lead to disappointment when they learn they won’t be able to go.
11. Always ask a cast member if you need help
If you have questions about anything at all during your trip, never hesitate to ask a cast member for help. So many ‘mistakes’ guests make in the parks would be avoided if they spoke to a cast member. If you’re not sure of something, there is no need to guess because cast members are located all over the parks and they’re happy to help steer you in the right direction.