
12 Things That Could make Your Disney World Vacation Absolutely Miserable

3. Getting Sick

Getting sick on any vacation is such a bummer, and Disney World is no exception. Bring along a few over-the-counter meds to combat some of the minor maladies, like headaches, colds, or minor stomach upset. If you’re really sick, you can contact your hotel to get the names of local doctors or urgent care centers. Disney World can also be a place where you pick up a lot of germs, so be sure to wash hands thoroughly after using the restroom and before meals and snacks. Hand sanitizer can help as a quick “touch-up” between washings.



Laurel took her first trip to Walt Disney World when she was only 18 months old and hasn’t stopped visiting since. Now she enjoys taking her own twins and husband as often as she can. And don’t tell the boys, but sometimes she goes without them, too.

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