4. Forget To Pack For The Weather
We may know Florida as the Sunshine State, but truthfully the weather in Orlando can be quite unpredictable. Summers often come with afternoon thunderstorms, and winters while not necessarily cold for guests visiting from up north can actually be on the colder side. Don’t forget to pack a jacket for winter trips since the temps can get as low as the 30s or 40s, and be sure to pack cool clothing but also rain gear for the summer months.
5. Cut Or Save Spaces In Lines
No one likes a cutter, plain and simple. If you’re in line with the family and your toddler needs to use the restroom, other guests will typically be understanding. The problem is more-so when you have one person holding a spot in line and the rest of the family arrives late to meet them. It’s not technically against any kind of park rules, but it’s not very courteous to the guests around you can you’re sure to get some stares.
6. Ignore Cast Member Directions
Some cast member instructions may not make sense to guests, but they are giving them for a reason (usually for your safety). Even instructions like moving all the way to an end of the row during a show are just in place to allow more guests to experience the show (and therefore cut down on wait times if it’s a continuous attraction).