7. Wear Out The Kids
Walking five+ miles a day in the parks can take a much greater toll on kids than it can on adults. Even staying up later and past bedtimes can be trying on kids who are exhausted from a long day in the parks. This is true for adults as well, but with kids especially it’s important to stop and take breaks and maybe even spend some time relaxing at the resort pool so they can get a nap in or just work out some of that exhaustion as a family.
8. Count Calories
Calories don’t count while you’re on vacation. If you’re looking to enjoy dining out without over-doing it, you can usually find a couple of options at each Disney restaurant, but even so counting calories or points on vacation can make you crazy and take the fun out of eating on the trip. Plus a Disney vacation comes with so much walking that you’d really have to eat A LOT of calories to offset how many you’ll be burning each day.
9.Take Flash Photos Inside Rides
Dark rides take place in the dark for a reason– The special effects simply do not work the same with the lights on. As such, taking flash photos on dark rides presents the experience to other guests in a way that it is not meant to be seen. Be mindful of other guests who are looking to experience the magic on your trip, and put the cameras (and cell phones) away while on dark rides.