
7 Tips Cast Members Always Share with Rookies

3. Making dining reservations in advance

Few things sting more than having your heart set on eating somewhere in particular and not being able to because it’s completely booked and by reservation only. The best way to avoid this is to make a reservation in advance. Most dining locations recommend that you make a reservation 180 days in advance, but this is really only necessary for locations such as Cinderella’s Royal Table, Be Our Guest and Le Cellier. However, having a reservation regardless is a good idea because many of them won’t do same day seating or you’ll have to wait an incredibly long time.


Monet is a senior majoring in journalism at Florida Gulf Coast University. She is a Disney AP holder and a Disney College Program alum. You can find her covered in pixie dust singing along to the Festival of Fantasy parade soundtrack while dreaming about dole whips and blogging her life away.

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