6. FastPass+
With very popular attractions throughout the park, guests will need to make sure to grab a FastPass+. Guests can schedule three FastPass+ selections prior to arriving in the park and can try and get more selections after using their initial three. Since guests have the ability to get more than three selections, we recommend scheduling your FastPass+ selections for earlier in the day so they can try and grab more!
5. Tier 1 Attractions
Epcot is similar to most of the other parks and splitting their attractions into Tier 1 and Tier 2 attractions. Guests are allowed one Tier 1 selection for the initial three FastPass+ selections. Tier 1 attractions are Test Track, Soarin’ Around the World, and Frozen Ever After. Since guests can only have an initial FastPass+ for one of these attractions, guests will need to wait in line for the other attractions.
4. Bring Your Appetite
With outdoor kitchens scattered around World Showcase during the various festivals, as well as counter service locations spread throughout World Showcase, guests will need to bring their appetites so they can sample the tastes of food and drink from across the world. An easy way to sample all of these tastes is by getting a wristband gift card that Cast Members easily scan so you aren’t constantly pulling your wallet out to pay for all of the delicious snacks!