
How to Totally Botch Your Walt Disney World Trip

5. By all means, don’t set a souvenir budget.

You’re not a child. You’re a responsible adult. There’s simply no chance that you’ll even be tempted to overspend on Disney souvenirs while you’re enjoying the parks. And all that talk about the dangers of getting caught up in the excitement of the parks to the point that you throw spending caution to the wind? Just another one of those Disney World myths and legends. You’ll never feel the pull of emotional spending, so there’s no need to set a budget. (Worst case scenario—you and the kids fall in love with several souvenirs and decide you’ve got to take them home with you. What could go wrong? You’ve got your credit card, so it’s not like you’ll be paying for them today. You’ll have all the way until your statement arrives in the mail back home, so try not to worry too much about overspending.  We’re almost 100% sure that it’s not even possible.)

6. Don’t trouble yourself with saving up for your Disney trip.

Everyone deserves a vacation—especially to Disney World. It’s like an unwritten rule. And because you deserve it, you can be assured that the money will be there when the time comes for your trip. Saving for your trip? Again with the over planning! Vacations are supposed to be fun. How much fun can you have on a trip you’ve had to work so hard to put together? We don’t think you should have to put yourself through that, and if so, well, that’s a world we don’t want to live in. After all, how expensive could it be?

7. Be sure to get everything on your Disney World bucket list completed on your first visit at all costs.

Even if that means staying in the parks from open to close every day with no breaks. This is especially true if you have little ones. There’s no need to take a break for them to nap in the afternoon, even if that’s their usual routine. Surely they’ll realize they’re at the most magical place on earth and opt for a nap-free day on their own accord. And because it’s Disney World, the magic will most likely dissipate any fussiness that might have otherwise begun if you were on a less exciting, less magical getaway. Because they’re so young, you’ll want to make their first visit to the parks a memorable one, so be sure not to miss a single show, attraction, ride or experience while you’re there. Set a goal for your family of a minimum of 12 to 15 attractions and experiences per day in the parks. And remember that breaks and nap time will only deter your progress toward that goal.

Have a great trip! We’re almost positive you’re off to a great start!

Becky B.

I am a writer and a Mom to four children and two baby shih-tzus. My first experience with the Magic was in 1988, when my parents surprised my brother and me with a visit to Walt Disney World after a short trip to see friends in Georgia. I still hum the tune played during the Main Street Electrical Parade and remember the feeling of excitement from my very first visit. I introduced my husband to the Magic several years ago, and we take our children to the parks every time we can. No matter how many times I visit Walt Disney World, it seems it’s not enough! The ever-changing experience only gets better with each trip, and I’m thrilled to share the Magic with others, as well as some of the tips and tricks to getting the most out of the Magic with each visit!

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