10 Things That May Be A Complete Waste Of Your Money at Disney

8. Ponchos (if you’re buying them every trip)

So many Disney guests opt to purchase their ponchos at the dollar store or Wal-Mart prior to coming to the theme parks. To some extent, this makes perfect sense. At $9/poncho, it makes sense that people would want to get them ahead of time for only a fraction of that cost. In most instances however, Disney ponchos are of a much higher quality than dollar store ponchos, and they will actually last in the long run. Buying a Disney poncho during each trip at $9/poncho would be a waste of money, however buying a Disney poncho once to use for a couple of years is not a waste of money at all. Even if you’re tempted to get the cheaper, dollar store counterpart, I’d recommend purchasing a Disney poncho and reusing it trip after trip.

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