7 Secret Disney Codes – What Are They And What Do They Mean?

You’ve heard it said that “discretion is the better part of valor” – well, Disney Cast Members are nothing if not discreet. No matter what happens at Walt Disney World parks and resorts, Disney personnel do everything they can to maintain the magical atmosphere. When problems do arise, Disney staffers communicate using secret codes to keep from upsetting guests. Here’s a list of 7 Secret Disney codes and what they mean:

1. “White Powder Alert, White Powder Alert in area of Space Mountain!”

This is the Cast Member code phrase when a guest attempts to spread the ashes of their dearly departed while on the ride at Space Mountain. Thinking nobody will see them open a bag and dump the cremated family Disney fan in his favorite ride at the park, they are badly mistaken. Cameras are positioned many places in the Parks, on rides, and at attractions in order to safeguard guests. So, it is likely a “burial” will be caught on camera.

Since spreading ashes is absolutely illegal, this causes big problems for the operation of the area and is disruptive to paying guests. Certain steps must then be put in motion. First, the attraction is closed and very unhappy guests are evacuated. Then Cast Members in protective clothing must now vacuum, yes, vacuum the dearly departed’s ashes! Now, if this illegal act goes unobserved, the same outcome takes place. The night crew will vacuum, sweeping up any ashes in their routine cleaning. Then the final desecration occurs. The vacuumed particles, ashes and all, will end up in the landfill. Hopefully Disney guests will think twice when considering dumping a loved one’s ashes anywhere on Disney property.

Notice: You can be born at WDW. You can receive a proposal and be married at WDW. You can even die at WDW. But you may not be buried there.

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