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Top 9 ‘Liked’ Articles of 2014 on DisneyFanatic.com

Hello Disney Fanatics! We are so pleased to share your love of all things Disney through our website. Our thanks go out to our wonderful writing staff and especially you, our fans. Here’s our list of our top 10 most ‘liked’ articles on the site. Enjoy!

9. 10 Reasons You MUST Visit Disney In Winter At Least Once In Your Life Twinkling lights strung overhead. Snow flittering to the earth below. Woolen mitten cupped mugs of steaming hot cocoa. Candy canes, comfy sweaters and childlike wonder. Oh, yes, and Walt Disney World. These are all things that come to mind when I daydream about winter. So what does Disney have to do with it? A big part, actually. They know how to do winter right and they make sure there’s no place you’d rather be than right there on their majestically decorated property. Because of this I make it a part of my annual tradition to visit Disney World around this time of year, cementing some pretty awesome and cherished seasonal memories.

8. 10 things That Should Be On Your Disney “Bucket List” We all have those things that we wish we would have done. There’s so much to do within the World of Disney that you won’t want to miss out on. Don’t wait any longer, and add these items to your Disney bucket list.

7. 8 Reasons Why You Should Go to Disney World and Never Leave How many times have you thought about packing up your stuff and moving to Disney? I think about this almost every day. It sounds ridiculous, right? Well, maybe not. Here is our list of eight utterly compelling reasons why moving to Disney makes perfect sense. But please, read this article at your own risk. This list is so convincing, so completely irrefutable, that you may find yourself booking a one-way ticket to the Happiest Place on Earth.

6. Which Disney Villain Are You Like When You Get Angry? QUIZ Do you ever lose it and go totally, freak-out mad when you get angry? Well you’re in good company. Find out which Disney villain is your match when you’re at your worst! This is hilarious!!!

5. Disney Secret Codes – What are they and what do they mean? At Disney, all things must be magical even when something less than magical is happening. Difficulties and guest problems frequently occur and must be addressed with the finesse of a Prince Charming. Here are some of the Disney codes that have been used over the years by Cast Members. Let’s speak Disney!

4. 25 Disney World Secrets Disney World is the most magical place on earth and is so vast yet detailed that is holds many fun secrets that delight and entertain. Below is a list of some of our favorites.

3. 6 Rookie Mistakes at Disney World A trip to Disney is an experience of a lifetime, but a Disney rookie can miss some of the magic and excitement if unaware of the following 6 potential snags in their visit:

2. 10 Symptoms of a Disney Obsession – How to Know if You’re a Disney Fanatic Since you’re visiting a website called “Disney Fanatic”, there’s a good chance you’re already a self-diagnosed Disney addict. But in case there’s any question about it, here’s a list of 10 signs of a true Disney addiction.

1. 20 Things You Must Do at Disney World In Your Lifetime Disney has some incredible, over the top experiences to offer. This list, however, isn’t necessarily about the most exclusive, expensive, or rare experiences. What follows is a list of purely magical experiences that you simply must do in your lifetime.


Becky is a full time wife, mother and graphic designer. She loves all-things Disney and loves sharing her advice and experiences on DisneyFanatic.com.

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