
Toy-riffic Trivia: What You Didn’t Know About Toy Story

3. Sid-distic Scenes

Anyone who has seen the film can easily identify Sid Philips, the toy torturing delinquent next-door. Infamous for blowing up Combat Carl and strapping a rocket onto the wings of a certain space-ranger, Sid is known for being the terror of the toy-box. But compared to the earlier drafts of the film, Sid is quite tame. Some of Sid’s scenes were actually cut for being too frightening for younger audience members, including torturing Buzz with an electric screwdriver and a background story involving Sid brutally dismembering a sentient rattle. The filmmakers decided to tone Sid down, making him more of a trouble maker than a truly evil character. This resulted in the creation of the mutant toys, giving him a more mad-scientist feel than a sinister sadist.

Photo Credit: Disney

Zach Gass

Zach Gass is a writer from East Tennessee with a passion for all things under the Disney name. From Disney history to the careers of Mickey, Donald, and Goofy, Zach tries to keep his finger on the pulse of the mouse. While he would certainly love to see the parks around the globe, his home park will always be the Magic Kingdom of Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. When he's not rubbing elbows with Mickey, Zach enjoys reading fantasy novels, retro video games, theatre, puppetry, and the films of Tim Burton.

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