
10 Essential Steps to Planning Your Disney World Vacation

5. Buy tickets

Once you’ve thought about your schedule, you’ll need to buy tickets. You can do this in a variety of ways and from several different places. You can purchase tickets in increments of days. However, the main thing you need to think about when buying tickets is what you want to do with your time. On the base tickets, once you leave the park you have used your day up and to re-enter will cost you another day. If you plan to stay at the same park all day without leaving, then you’ll be fine with the base tickets. If you want to leave the park for a meal, nap, or pool time and come back later in the day, you’ll want to add the Park Hopper option to your tickets. 


Kami is a married mom of three who has loved all things Disney since her first trip to Disney World when she was eight years old. She is always planning her family's next trip to WDW and dreaming of Mickey ice cream bars.

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