
10 Lousy Things People Do At Disney World And How To Deal With It

6. Yelling at Cast Members

Unfortunately, many guests believe that their visit to the parks should be absolutely perfect without a single issue to happen.  We all know that isn’t true.  While Disney service is truly the best and while the cast members strive to do their best to resolve any conflict, there are times when they simply can’t make everything the way the customer would like for it to be.  Whether it’s an unrealistic expectation or not, cast members are yelled at for various reasons.  This can cause embarrassment for the family that is with the irate person and an uncomfortable situation for the cast members themselves.  There are rules and guidelines for a reason and they must strictly adhere to them whether you like it or not.  Unfortunately, there isn’t much you can do without stepping into the middle of the argument yourself if you notice this happening, however, If you realize that the guest was in the wrong, cast members love to hear reassurance from others.  While visiting Magic Kingdom last month, I witnessed a very uncomfortable situation like this.  I could tell that it really affected the cast member, and I quickly reassured her that she is doing a fantastic job and not to let that one situation ruined her day.  Her frown turned upside down and I am glad I was able to make her smile. 



Natalie is an elementary school teacher and a native Floridian who lives and breathes all things Disney. Her love for Disney started at the age of two during her first visit, and has continued to flourish into her adult life. She loves to share her Disney passion with her students and believes Disney is so special because there is no other place to forget about your worries and be a kid again, which is why she refuses to ‘grow up’.

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