8. Giving Up Seats on the Bus
Ok, this is a very controversial issue (and I will be playing devil’s advocate on this one). One of the best perks of staying on property are the Disney busses, but they can also be a little bit of a damper. Often times, the wait can be rather long, especially when guests are exhausted after being in the parks for hours. Once the bus is full, many guests are forced to stand for the ride back to the resort. There are many cases where young adults or men offer their seat to those who have small children or to the elderly. I have seen many guests complain that they are appalled that people did not give up their seat for them when they were forced to stand on a bus ride. For starters, one must never assume that those would happen to them. Yes, it is common courtesy that others do this, but what many of us don’t realize is that there may be people that don’t have a visible disability or issue that would make them uncomfortable to stand, so the natural thing to do is judge them because they look ‘normal’. In addition to this, there are many guests that offer to wait for the next bus to be able to sit down. If they waited, they should be able to sit regardless of their age or whether or not they have small children or are elder. If you feel you absolutely need to sit down, wait for the next bus to be able to do so. It is important not to assume that of others.