
10 of the Best Places to Watch the “Festival of Fantasy” Parade at Magic Kingdom

4.  Fire Station—Main Street

The Festival of Fantasy Parade exits Main Street between the Fire Station and the Main Street Emporium shop, and if you find a spot to stand in this area, you will get a very up close view of the Performers and all the Disney characters and their beautiful floats.  This area of Main Street is less crowded and the vantage point from here is outstanding.  Not only do you get a very close view of every aspect of the parade, but you get to see them as they enter the backstage area.  I was amazed at how the performers and Disney characters still dance and wave even after they have left Main Street, but while those gates are open and they can still be seen, they never stopped performing; a real class act.  Even here at the end of the parade, the energy level of these talented cast members was phenomenal and very professional.


I am a working mother of four adult children, 2 granddogs, and one grandcat. I have been a Disney fanatic since 1959, when my parents took my sister and I on a journey across the country to Disneyland. Needless to say, we were thrilled, and this became our vacation destination for the next 10 years. Later, when Walt Disney World was opened, we travelled to Florida and discovered a whole new Disney experience, and WDW became our new vacation destination. Now, our extended family members are all Disney Fanatics and always ready to talk about anything Disney.

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