4. Quarters, pennies and trading pins
Behold, three of the most interesting and inexpensive souvenirs from Walt Disney World! Inside my Toy Story backpack, you will always find a Zip-loc bag of quarters and pennies, as well as a Zip-loc bag of official Disney trading pins that I’m hoping to trade with a Cast Member or another Guest. At kiosks all around the parks, you can press quarters or pennies with souvenir imprints of Disney characters or Disney World attractions. A pressed penny costs $0.51 ($0.50 to press the penny plus the penny itself), and a pressed quarter costs $1.25 ($1.00 to press the quarter plus the quarter itself). Trading official Disney pins is a park phenomenon. As long as you have official Disney trading pins, you can trade with a Cast Member for a pin they are wearing on their lanyard. You can also trade with other Guests in the parks who have pins to trade. These are three of the most fun souvenirs to go home with because they are so unique!