
10 Ways To Suck the Fun Out Of Your Day At Walt Disney World

8. Forgetting Sunscreen

Another thing that’ll make you pretty miserable pretty quickly is a sunburn. Sunburns are not hard to come by in sunny Florida, so considering how much time you’ll spend outside while in Disney World, sunscreen is a must.
Pack a tube in your suitcase, put some on each morning, and re-apply multiple times throughout the day. After all, nobody wants to be in pain during their time in the most magical place on earth.

9. Skipping Meals

There are tons of things to see and do in Disney World—so many, in fact, that many people don’t want to stop to eat. Add the high food prices to the endless entertainment, and you might be tempted to skip meals here and there.

However, this is never a good idea.

Skipping meals can give you headaches, nausea, and a whole host of other issues, none of which you’ll want to have ruining your amazing day. Therefore, we recommend packing some high-protein snacks to eat in lines and while waiting for shows until you can grab a full meal.

10. Losing Your Kids

Last but not least, we must mention the ultimate way to ruin a Disney day: losing your kids. Any parent who has ever lost a child knows the terrible fear it brings on. Nobody should ever have to experience this feeling, especially not in Disney World.
Therefore, it is very important that you keep close tabs on your kids at all times. We also recommend going over safety rules with the kids before each day begins, and making sure they know what to do should they become separated from you.


Chelsea is a lifelong Disney fanatic who lives and travels full time in an RV with her son and husband. Their family takes full advantage of their unique living situation by visiting Disney parks on both sides of the country as often as possible. In doing so, the Gonzales family gathers loads of great tips and info about the parks, which Chelsea is thrilled to share with readers here. Visit Chelsea's blog: https://wonderwhereverwewander.wordpress.com Wonder Wherever We Wander! Here you’ll find a wealth of valuable information as well as a variety of reviews and resources to help you navigate the often uncharted territory of roadschooling.

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