
12 Unforgettable Moments You Will Want to Have with Your Kids at Walt Disney World

1. Pulling Through the Property Gates to the Happiest Place On Earth.

Approaching the Walt Disney World gates after a drive or flight to Orlando is a wonderful sight.  The experience is even more exciting and magical traveling with a child that has dreamed of experiencing Walt Disney World in anticipation of the trip. Cheers, squeals, applause and happy tears are all to be expected when rolling through the gates.


I love talking and reading and breathing and everything Disney. I am married to an amazing man who also has a love for Disney. I love Walt Disney World and we try to visit as often as we can. I am thankful for a mom who raised me to have such a love for Disney and of course for Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse! My favorite characters are Minnie Mouse and Belle. I have an English Degree and I love to write so I am so excited that I am able to put my love of writing and Disney together. Thank you for reading my articles and sharing in my love for Disney!

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