
6 Secret Spots In Disney World’s Magic Kingdom

Whether it’s a secret recipe or a top-secret investigation, secrets always manage to stir up a good amount of curiosity and intrigue. Today, in the spirit of Alice in Wonderland, I am going to feed your curiosity by offering up some secret information about the Magic Kingdom. More specifically, I’m going to let you in on a few of my favorite hidden and secret places around the park.

Of course, these little nooks are not completely secret. Considering the number of people walking through the park on any given day, finding an untraversed pathway would be impossible. Still, these secret spots are fairly well-hidden, off the beaten path, and overall great places to escape from the crowds for a bit.




Chelsea is a lifelong Disney fanatic who lives and travels full time in an RV with her son and husband. Their family takes full advantage of their unique living situation by visiting Disney parks on both sides of the country as often as possible. In doing so, the Gonzales family gathers loads of great tips and info about the parks, which Chelsea is thrilled to share with readers here. Visit Chelsea's blog: https://wonderwhereverwewander.wordpress.com Wonder Wherever We Wander! Here you’ll find a wealth of valuable information as well as a variety of reviews and resources to help you navigate the often uncharted territory of roadschooling.

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