
7 Ways You Will Save Money on Your Next Trip to Walt Disney World

2. Choose 1 or 2 Splurge Items

Sticking to a budget is extremely important during a Disney vacation, but don’t let this keep you from treating yourself to that one item you’ve always wanted from Walt Disney World! Whether it be a pair of Mickey Mouse ears or a new coffee mug, allow yourself 1 or 2 splurge souvenirs during your vacation. Sometimes, it helps to make these purchases at the end of your trip just in case you find something you love more than the item you bought at the start of your vacation.


As a former Orlando resident and major fan of Disney films, Lauren's favorite place on the entire planet is Walt Disney World. Ask her any question about any Disney movie or attraction, and she'll most likely have the answer (especially if it's a Tangled related question)! Although she moved away from the Orlando area to be with her military husband, she makes as many trips to Disney as she can and has made a goal to visit every Disney park on the globe!

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