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9 “No Nos” When You’re on Walt Disney World’s Monorail

The Monorail system at Walt Disney World is an incredibly convenient transportation system. From the Magic Kingdom, the Magic Kingdom area resorts, and Epcot, the Monorail can get you where you need to do quickly and easily! However, there are a few things you should know about what not to do while riding the Monorail to ensure you and other guests have a safe, enjoyable ride.


1. Smoking

Smoking is prohibited in unauthorized areas of the park as well as on park transportation systems like the Monorail. If you need to smoke, be sure to do so when you are off the Monorail, off the platform, and in an area where smoking is allowed to be courteous to other guests around you. Many know and understand this rule, but don’t be tempted to light a cigarette, even if the car is completely empty other than you and your group.

2. Eating and Drinking

Many know the no smoking rule, but the rule about no food or beverages on the Monorail is sometimes overlooked, or many guests simply choose to ignore it. The Monorail can make slow, but sudden stops, and spillage can occur if you aren’t sitting or holding on to a handrail. Spilled food can be a hassle to clean up, and any spilled drinks can cause a slipping hazard and leave more work for Monorail workers. Please hold off on opening a drink and keep food in a closed bag while you are riding.

Epcot Monorail

3. Shouting

Some guests enjoy the Monorail because of its convenience, while others enjoy it because it’s a relaxing ride around property. But if a guest is shouting to their friend or family member across the car, it can be disruptive to others. Also, children, toddlers, and babies are more prone to shouting, crying, or screaming, so parents should make sure children know to keep their voices hushed until the Monorail comes to a stop as a courtesy to other guests trying to enjoy the ride.

4. PDA

Newly engaged couples, couples on their honeymoon, and some couples in general are more prone to steal a kiss or are guilty of public displays of affection. Even at night after watching a romantic fireworks show, the Monorail is not an appropriate setting for a make out session, especially if there are families and other guests on board. Keep the PDA at a minimum to avoid being cornered by an upset parent, cast member, or anyone else who may be uncomfortable.

5. Leaning Against the Doors

The Monorail can sometimes get crowded, so many guests are tempted to learn against the doors for comfort and to allow for more space. Despite the fact that the Monorail system says “please stand clear of the door,” many guests ignore this rule, which is a major safety issue. The doors can open at any time and pressing against the door with your weight can even cause them to open even while the Monorail is in motion. Make sure you are standing away from the doors, and make sure small children also adhere to this rule to keep yourself and other guests safe.

6. Take Up More Space Than You Need

Even if you are carrying around a stroller, bags of souvenirs, a park bag, multiple children, and other items, it’s important to ensure there is plenty of room for other guests to sit or stand around you. Taking up more space than you need can come across as rude, especially when you prevent boarding passengers from finding a comfortable place to stand.

7. Change Diapers

This can be tempting for some parents, especially when dealing with a cranky baby or child who is not yet potty trained, but changing a diaper on the Monorail is frowned upon. The smell can be unpleasant for you and other guests in such an enclosed space, and sudden stops may leave more of a mess than you anticipated. Be sure to change diapers in designated, sanitary areas for your comfort, the comfort of your child, and for others around you.

8. Stand Without Holding a Handrail

Whether you’re on an overly crowded Monorail or not, find the nearest handrail and hold on at all times to keep yourself and other passengers safe. While you may be tempted to just stand or see how long you can stand without falling, this is not recommended. Curves, stops, and sudden starts can cause those who aren’t holding on to fall, drop something, spill a bag, or hurt themselves

9. Ask to Sit With the Driver

An unfortunate Monorail collision in 2009 caused the death of a Monorail operator. Before that, guests were allowed to sit up front with the driver to get amazing views of the property. Even if you ask nicely, you will not be permitted up front for your safety and the safety of the driver. Please listen to the driver’s requests at all times to keep everyone safe.

Disney Monorail

The Monorail is incredibly convenient for many guests, and abiding by the rules will allow you and other guests to have a safe ride around Walt Disney World property! If you have any questions about the Monorail system, be sure to ask a cast member for more information.

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After his 1st trip to Disney World when he was 5 years old, Disney Fanatic has been hooked on all things Disney ever since!

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