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Disney Princess Reveals Why She’s Forbidden From Returning to Work

These days, many Disney Fanatics already know that Disney character performers must endure a lot of discomforts, both physically and mentally, for very little pay.

You don’t need ‘dedicated Disney fan’ status to notice these Disney employees’ hardships, either — all it takes is one look at Winnie the Pooh sweltering in Florida heat, or Belle deftly dodging a man trying to unzip her dress bodice!

Despite these obstacles, plenty of Disney performers still stick with their Disney World or Disneyland jobs because they love the “Disney magic.”

Unfortunately, there is one Disney World character performer and actress who can never return to her job as a Disney princess, even though she wants to! 

Losing the Disney Magic

Hunter Haag is a former Disney princess who portrayed Rapunzel and Belle in Disney World between 2016 and 2021.

Haag has become known for her eye-opening TikTok videos about everything from Utilidor drama to Disney shift work — and now the TikToker (who was laid off by Disney World due to the COVID-19 pandemic) has shed some light on her future with Disney!

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Disney Secrets

When asked if she would return to her job, Haag seemed conflicted. “One answer is yes, I would because I’d like to,” the young woman said in the video shown below. “The other answer is no, I can’t though.”

As it turns out, Haag cannot return to her roles for multiple reasons, one of which is (ironically) the videos where she talks about topics like this!

“I’m not really supposed to talk about stuff that pertains to behind the scenes,” Haag admitted. Disney definitely prizes confidentiality when it comes to its performers, so Haag would probably not be welcomed back with open arms!

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A post shared by Hunter Haag (@hunterchaag)

Fame Has a Price

The other main reason for Haag’s inability to become a Disney princess again is her new status as “a public figure.”

Because Haag was on the TV show called The Bachelor, she is now considered too recognizable to play someone else in Disney World. “It just ruins the magic for everybody,” Haag explained. 

The former Rapunzel and Belle added that she really does miss her Disney job, and would really love to work for Disney in a different capacity such as “corporate” or as a Park greeter someday. 


Would I go back to being a Disney Princess at Walt Disney World? @Bloom Nutrition #characterperformer #disneyworld #rapunzel #tangled #disneyprincessaudition #beautyandthebeast #belle #bloom #bloompartner

♬ original sound – Hunter

Did you know that any form of notoriety could cause you to lose your job as a professional Disney princess or other Disney character?

We certainly did here at Disney Fanatic, because this Peter Pan performer was reportedly removed from his role after he excelled so much that he became too well-known for his own good!


Sharon is a writer and animal lover from New England. Sharon's two main focuses in her work are Disney's correlations with pop culture and the significance of Disney princesses (which was the basis for her college thesis). When she's not writing about Disney, Sharon spends her time singing, dancing, and cavorting with woodland creatures!

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