12. Visit www.shopdisney.com. Often.
Yes, you can wait until you get to Disney to buy Disney apparel for your family, and someone in your family will most likely want to buy a t-shirt from Disney World that says “Disney World” on it. But it’s often a good idea to visit Disney’s merchandise website to purchase Disney clothing for your family if you’re hoping to wear Disney garb each day you’re in the parks. (Don’t worry—most of us do!) You can often find t-shirts, hoodies and other items online at shopdisney.com that are from the parks. Simply click on “parks” to see Walt Disney World merchandise. Not everything at the parks is sold on the site, but you can find some great Disney tops, Mickey ears, hats, caps, bags and other items from the parks—and often on sale and with a promotion for free shipping. Spoiler alert: items in the parks at Disney World are rarely on sale unless they are out of season; they don’t have to have sales—there is an endless trail of Guests just waiting to pay full price for souvenir apparel, outerwear and accessories while in the parks. Be the smart consumer. Save some green by purchasing some of the exact same things online before you hit the parks, and save that extra money for a great character dining experience you’d like to have.