7. MISTAKE: You promised your daughters lunch with Cinderella in the Castle but forgot to call.
What a disaster! You were so excited about sharing Disney World with your kids, and you couldn’t wait to watch them experience dining in Cinderella Castle at Cinderella’s Royal Table restaurant. They’ve been looking forward to it. And today, you walked through the gates at Magic Kingdom, basking in the sun and the glow of your daughters’ faces as they took in the sights and sounds of magic all around them for the first time. And suddenly you realize that you completely forgot to make your dining reservation at Cinderella’s house. And you’ve been to Disney World enough to know that advance reservations at that restaurant aren’t just a good idea—they are mandatory. So now you have the arduous task of telling your girls that they won’t have that experience on this trip to the parks. Commence the community cry in 3-2-1. . .
SOLUTION: Download the My Disney Experience app for your smartphone as soon as you know you’ll be heading to the parks so you are able to streamline your Disney trip planning. Create a Disney World bucket list for your family so you have a visual reminder of experiences you hope to have in the parks, as well as a tangible reminder to call and book those dining reservations at (407) WDW-DINE.