
Magic Kingdom After Dark – 10 Things You Shouldn’t Miss

6. Character Meet-and-Greets

Some other lines that get much shorter after dinner are those for popular character meet-and-greets. During the day, the waits to meet Mickey, Tinkerbell, and the princesses can be outrageous. At night however, many young Disney fans have gone to bed, meaning those lines shrink significantly, making late evening the ideal time to meet your favorite Disney pals.

5. Cosmic Dance Party

There’s nothing quite like a Disney dance party to end your day. The Cosmic Dance Party that takes place in Tomorrowland after dark is an amazingly fun, space-themed celebration that people of all ages can enjoy. It includes an upbeat DJ, good music, colorful lights, and lots of family fun.


Chelsea is a lifelong Disney fanatic who lives and travels full time in an RV with her son and husband. Their family takes full advantage of their unique living situation by visiting Disney parks on both sides of the country as often as possible. In doing so, the Gonzales family gathers loads of great tips and info about the parks, which Chelsea is thrilled to share with readers here. Visit Chelsea's blog: https://wonderwhereverwewander.wordpress.com Wonder Wherever We Wander! Here you’ll find a wealth of valuable information as well as a variety of reviews and resources to help you navigate the often uncharted territory of roadschooling.

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