Disney Evergreen & History

9 Steps To Adding A Little More Disney to Your Life

When you’re stuck with a long workday or work around the house, Disney can seem very far away. Here are some simple ways to bring Disney’s magic into your everyday life!

9. Embrace Disney merchandise. Wearing a Disney pin or a Mickey bracelet can be a simple reminder of Disney, wherever you are, and you will be surprised by how many compliments you get! Everyone needs some Disney magic, even if they don’t realize it, and showing that you love Disney can actually help you make new friends.

8. Make your life a journey. Disney characters’ journeys are a huge part of their stories, and sometimes your life may not feel particularly adventurous. By approaching the daily grind like a Disney hero or heroine approaches a quest, you can make your tasks seem easy and maybe even fun! Sure, you may be in an office instead of a palace, but there are still opportunities to grow and overcome challenges. Use them!

7. Sing your heart out. From Cinderella to Olaf, Disney characters have an impressive ability to sing beautiful ballads and catchy melodies wherever they are. Not everyone is prepared to perform full renditions of I See the Light in the grocery store, but humming or whistling will do the trick as well. If you would prefer to keep your Disney magic private, just listen to a Disney soundtrack in the car. Whether you’re in the middle of a long car trip or are simply stuck in everyday traffic, belting out your favorite Disney songs will help the time pass and make you feel fantastic!

6. Dance whenever you want to. Disney dances may be large-scale musical numbers, or they may be as simple as Briar Rose’s woodland dance in Sleeping Beauty. Dancing is a stupendous way to make a song—and your mood—better. If you’re comfortable pirouetting in public, go right ahead, and have a blast doing it! If you prefer a more subtle approach, a simple tap of the foot or a head bob will do. And, of course, there’s no better dance party than one with friends!

5. Watch Disney movies. This method may be extremely straightforward, but it is also extremely effective. If you’re feeling sick or just need a pick-me-up, go for a cheerful, relaxing movie that always makes you happy, like The Princess Diaries. If you’re having a difficult time staying motivated, watch a film about overcoming obstacles, such as Mulan or Pirates of the Caribbean.

4. Find a Disney role model. We all have favorite Disney movies, and most of these preferences are guided by the films’ characters. Our favorite characters speak to us because we can relate to them, so if you find yourself in a bind, think of your favorite Disney character and ask yourself: what would this character do? Disney characters have many positive traits, ranging from bravery to compassion, and thinking of your favorite character will help you embody those traits in your own life, with a dash of Disney magic on the side.

3. Appreciate nature. Do you ever see a Disney princess trying to swat a rabbit with her broom? Of course not! Disney characters are kind to animals, and Walt Disney World has an entire Animal Kingdom. You may not want to let wild animals clean your plates like Snow White does, but if you hear birdsong on your way to work or a chipmunk happens to cross your path, try to appreciate the magic that nature has to offer. Disney recognizes this magic (Colors of the Wind, anyone?) and by taking the time to appreciate a clear sky or a friendly dog, you can remind yourself that the world is beautiful, even on rough days.

2. Go to Walt Disney World. Granted, this can be difficult for the average person. Most of us don’t have the time and money to waltz off to the most magical place on Earth whenever we want to. However, when you desperately need some Disney magic and your finances allow it, there’s nothing better to make your life more Disney than Walt Disney World itself!

Bonus Tip!

BONUS TIP: Consider planning and booking your next Disney trip with an Authorized Disney Vacation Planner you can trust like Mickey Travels. They’ll help you get the best Disney travel deal, share expert advice and their services are totally FREE! It’s genius! Discover More >

1. Don’t let your vacation end at the airport. There is always some residual excitement from a Disney vacation, and who can blame you? You’ve just had a wonderful time at a magical place, and your mind will probably be on those experiences for at least two weeks after your vacation. By extending your post-Disney happiness, you can bring the Disney magic back home with you for record-breaking lengths of time. One particularly easy way to extend this magic is printing your photographs: by making a photo album and framing your photos right away, you will constantly remind yourself of all the fun you had. Plus, after there are photos all over your refrigerator and your desk, you’ll experience Disney’s magic every time you look at them!

It can be hard to remember Disney’s positivity every day, but these tips will help you hold on to the magic!

The best way to get a little more Disney in your life is to plan your next trip. Consider using an Authorized Disney Vacation Planner. They’ll help you get the best price for your vacation, share their expert advice and their services are totally FREE!


Sharon is a writer and animal lover from New England. Sharon's two main focuses in her work are Disney's correlations with pop culture and the significance of Disney princesses (which was the basis for her college thesis). When she's not writing about Disney, Sharon spends her time singing, dancing, and cavorting with woodland creatures!

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