In 2017, Disney and Pixar released their newest animated film, Big Hero 6. The movie tells the story of Hiro, a teenage boy who must work with his brother’s friends to help save the city of San Fransokyo from a man in a Kabuki mask. Helping Hiro along the journey is Baymax, a personal healthcare companion, who Hiro inherited after his older brother’s untimely and tragic death. People loved the story so much that Disney even released a number of series, including Big Hero 6: The Series, Baymax Dreams Shorts, Big Hero 6 Shorts, and its newest Disney+ series, Baymax!.
Despite the movie’s success, Big Hero 6 has never had much of a presence in Disney Parks. But that is changing in a big way. During the 2022 D23 Expo, Disney Parks Chairman Josh D’Amaro revealed that the Pacific Wharf area in Disney California Adventure Park at Disneyland Resort would be transformed into San Fransokyo. Several months after the announcement was made, Disney construction crews began their work on the transformation.
The new San Fransokyo area will feature a number of new dining spots with incredible food offerings. Some of those restaurants will be open for business before San Fransokyo Square officially opens on August 31. One of those dining spots is now open and ready to serve Guests!
On July 26, the Port of San Fransokyo Cerveceria opened, and Guests can quench their thirst and get some yummy snacks. The San Fransokyo Cerveceria took the place of the Karl Strauss Brewing Cart that was in the area. However, the Cerveceria is located on the other side of Cocina Cucamonga. The area where Karl Strauss used to be located will now be used for a character meet and greet.
Here is what Guests can order at Port of San Fransokyo Cerveceria:
Food Item
- Garlic Pinwheel Chips Mix
Specialty Beverages
- Karl Strauss Brewing Company Endless Summer Hard Seltzer: Mandarin Orange & Dragon Fruit
- Karl Strauss Brewing Company Moment of Zen: Japanese Rice Lager
- Karl Strauss Brewing Company Follow the Sun Blonde Ale
- Karl Strauss Brewing Company Windansea Wheat Ale
- Karl Strauss Brewing Company Red Trolley Ale
- Karl Strauss Brewing Company Boat Shoes Hazy IPA
- Karl Strauss Brewing Company Aurora Hoppyalis IPA
More on San Fransokyo Square
What’s great about the former Pacific Wharf area of Disney California Adventure is that it was the perfect place to put San Fransokyo Square. The area was originally themed to look like the wharf area of San Fransokyo. So, Disney is giving it a Japanese twist. A number of the restaurants will be getting menu upgrades, and there will also be new restaurants coming in, like Aunt Cass Café.
One of the most exciting additions to the area is a Baymax and Hiro meet and greet!
@disneyparks 🤜 Ba-la-la-la-la 🤛 #Disney #DisneyParks #CaliforniaAdventure #SanFransokyo #BigHero6 #Baymax #Hiro #DisneyEats
As stated above, San Fransokyo Square will not officially open until August 31, but a number of eateries will be open before that date. Guests visiting DCA can currently dine at Lucky Fortune Cookery and Cocina Cucamonga. Aunt Cass Café is expected to open on August 31.