
The 9 Best Experiences At Walt Disney World Resort

1. Watching the Castle Projection Show

Castle projections are a relatively new night time entertainment offering in the history of The Magic Kingdom. I love seeing reels from my favorite Disney films being displayed on the castle accompanied by incredible music and pyrotechnics. Add in an awesome viewing spot on the hub grass and a delicious ice cream cone and you have the perfect night in The Magic Kingdom!


I love talking and reading and breathing and everything Disney. I am married to an amazing man who also has a love for Disney. I love Walt Disney World and we try to visit as often as we can. I am thankful for a mom who raised me to have such a love for Disney and of course for Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse! My favorite characters are Minnie Mouse and Belle. I have an English Degree and I love to write so I am so excited that I am able to put my love of writing and Disney together. Thank you for reading my articles and sharing in my love for Disney!

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