
Tips For Ensuring Your Family’s Health When Visiting Disney World Resort

Get the Family on Board

Enlist the whole family in staying clean and healthy for vacation. Remind your kids about the importance of frequent hand washing and sanitizing so everyone can stay healthy. Remove shoes upon entering your hotel room and put park bags on wall hooks instead of beds to avoid contaminating frequently used spaces. Little things like sanitizing your hands after playing in interactive ride queues in the parks or avoiding touching your face, go a long way to keep you healthy.

Sanitize Frequently

There is no shame in over sanitizing.  In fact, taking the time to use an antibacterial wipe to clean cell phones and strollers in the parks is a must do.  Take the time to wipe down rental strollers or wheelchairs when you rent them in the parks. Squirt some sanitizer after touching ride queues and always before grabbing a snack or meal in the parks. At the end of the day, wipe down park bags/bag handles and keep them off beds and surfaces used for eating in your resort room. Wiping down flat surfaces in the resort room with an antibacterial wipe a few times a day will keep germs at bay.

Stay Healthy on Vacation

Keep your family healthy on vacation by keeping eating, hydration and sleep habits as normal as possible. Sure, you are going to want to enjoy some early mornings in the parks or late night fireworks, but balance that exertion with plenty of rest to ensure you are not running on empty. Skip the soda and caffeine when you can in favor of water.  Dehydration makes you feel gross but also makes your body more vulnerable to illness. Remember to take your vitamins each day and try to eat a mix of nutritious food alongside all those fun sugary park treats.


I love talking and reading and breathing and everything Disney. I am married to an amazing man who also has a love for Disney. I love Walt Disney World and we try to visit as often as we can. I am thankful for a mom who raised me to have such a love for Disney and of course for Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse! My favorite characters are Minnie Mouse and Belle. I have an English Degree and I love to write so I am so excited that I am able to put my love of writing and Disney together. Thank you for reading my articles and sharing in my love for Disney!

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