
What You Should Know Before You Visit Pandora – The World of Avatar at Disney’s Animal Kingdom

6. Don’t Miss the Explorer Stations

If you’ve been to Animal Kingdom before, you probably already know about the super cool Wilderness Explorers stations offered there. These stations offer kids (and adults) the chance to learn something new about the world around them and earn a sticker badge for doing so.
What some people don’t realize is the fact that two new Explorer stations have been added with the opening of Pandora. Both are a bit tucked away, but they are super neat and well worth finding, especially if you have a curious kiddo on your hands.

5. Grab a FastPass

The two Pandora rides, Avatar Flight of Passage and Na’vi River Journey, are both amazing rides. For this reason, you’ll probably want to ride both. While it isn’t possible to grab FastPasses for both rides in the same day, we definitely recommend grabbing a pass for Flight of Passage if at all possible. If you find Flight of Passage FastPasses are unavailable, pick up a Na’vi River Journey pass instead.


Chelsea is a lifelong Disney fanatic who lives and travels full time in an RV with her son and husband. Their family takes full advantage of their unique living situation by visiting Disney parks on both sides of the country as often as possible. In doing so, the Gonzales family gathers loads of great tips and info about the parks, which Chelsea is thrilled to share with readers here. Visit Chelsea's blog: https://wonderwhereverwewander.wordpress.com Wonder Wherever We Wander! Here you’ll find a wealth of valuable information as well as a variety of reviews and resources to help you navigate the often uncharted territory of roadschooling.

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