
10 Magic Kingdom Entertainments You Simply Can’t Miss

10. Wishes Nighttime Spectacular

What day at Magic Kingdom is complete without fireworks? Wishes nighttime spectacular is an incredible fireworks show set to a beautiful soundtrack. There are lots of great places to see Wishes. In the park, your best locations are along Main Street USA. Outside of Magic Kingdom, the beaches of the Polynesian and Grand Floridian resorts have beautiful views, and they play the Wishes music. Looking for something extra special? Book one of the dessert parties to get a reserved fireworks-viewing spot and some yummy treats. You can even book a dessert cruise to watch the fireworks from the Seven Seas Lagoon!

These incredible shows are a big part of what makes Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom so much more than just an amusement park. Be sure to take the time to enjoy these fun, funny, and exciting experiences during your visit. They’re sure to be a memorable part of your Disney vacation!


Laurel took her first trip to Walt Disney World when she was only 18 months old and hasn’t stopped visiting since. Now she enjoys taking her own twins and husband as often as she can. And don’t tell the boys, but sometimes she goes without them, too.

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