
10 Travel Essentials to Pack for a Stay at a Walt Disney World Resort

9. Snacks and Drinks

Spending money on food adds up, especially when you’re on vacation. Instead of heading out to a restaurant or quick service counter for a snack or bottled drink, bring some of your own snacks and drinks for your resort room. Snacks like granola bars, crackers, fresh or dried fruit, or cookies can tide you over between meals or serve as a quick and easy breakfast in the morning. As for drinks, bringing bottled water, energy drinks, breakfast shakes, soda, and caffeinated beverages can save you some trouble too. This will make your stomach and your wallet happy!

Emily C

Emily is an assistant client executive for a public relations agency in Pittsburgh, PA. She visits Walt Disney World every couple of years and absolutely loves seeing how the parks grow and change each time she returns. When she isn't visiting Disney or wishing she was in Disney, Emily enjoys writing, reading, drawing, traveling, checking out new shows on Netflix, and cheering on the West Virginia Mountaineers.

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