3. Stroller
Along the same lines as the ECV, young children may get tired walking around the huge park. Bringing a stroller can save a lot of whining, or having to carry a tired child around. My children are five years old and we still use a stroller for Epcot. If you don’t want to bring one from home, strollers can be rented from Disney or from an outside company who will deliver directly to your hotel. Remember that strollers cannot be taken into the pavilions, so be sure to have a plan for getting around inside. A soft-sided baby carrier or wrap could be a real lifesaver for carrying an infant.
While Florida is most famous for its sun, it gets its fair share of rain as well. The summer months bring almost daily downpours. Be prepared with a rain poncho. While umbrellas are allowed in the parks, ponchos are lightweight, don’t take up much space, and allow you to have both hands free while you’re wearing them. Ponchos are sold in the parks but they’re expensive, so you can save a lot of money by bringing your own from a discount store at home.