
15 Pricey Experiences That Could Totally Blow Your Budget At Walt Disney World

8. Snacking

This is another area where spending can add up quickly. $5 here and $10 there for popcorn and Mickey bars can end up being hundreds of dollars by the end of a vacation. To keep spending at bay, you can use Disney Gift cards for snacks instead of charging to your magic band or credit card. If you’re using the Disney Dining Plan, some snacks are included, so be sure to use those effectively. And you can always save money by bringing your own snacks and drinks with you from home or a local grocery store. It’s allowed!



Laurel took her first trip to Walt Disney World when she was only 18 months old and hasn’t stopped visiting since. Now she enjoys taking her own twins and husband as often as she can. And don’t tell the boys, but sometimes she goes without them, too.

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