
5 Easy Ways to Access the Magic Kingdom

5. Rope Drop

The last option guests have for exploring the Magic Kingdom with minimal crowds is to arrive at rope drop.  We’ve come to discover that not everyone likes getting up first thing in the morning on their vacation, so guests can have a few hours in the parks before crowd levels get to their peak levels.  Park opening changes based on the time of year and crowd levels, so, again, check on-line as to when the park opens!  This can be a great way to knock some of the premier attractions out of the way without having to use on of your three FastPasses to do so!

We love the Magic Kingdom and are always trying to figure out ways to spend additional time in the park without having to fight a crazy amount of crowds – these are the five ways we have found to be able to do so – what is your favorite?


Tyler is a lawyer living in South Florida who visits Disney World at least once a month. He enjoys re-living classic Disney experiences and discovering new things about the parks when he visits. Friends and family always ask him to plan their trip for maximum Disney magic!

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