4. Advanced Dining Reservations
Some restaurants are almost unattainable if you don’t have an advanced dining reservation (I’m looking at you, ‘Ohana). So, while guests are almost forced to plan out their table service dining options, don’t go overboard. A typical sit-down meal at Disney World lasts about 75 minutes (and that is from when you sit down to when you walk out). If you have three advanced dining reservations scheduled for one day, that is more than three hours of time taken away from being able to enjoy attractions and shows throughout the resort. Our rule thumb for planning our trips: one advanced dining reservation a day. Not only are you saving some money, but you’re also allowing yourself the chance of finding those great snacks and quick bites throughout the parks.
3. Don’t Neglect the Resorts
Here is a bold statement: Disney resorts have better restaurants than the parks. Almost every moderate resort, as well as every deluxe resort has at least one table service restaurant. These restaurants are highly themed to go with the resort’s theme, so guests can find some more adventurous dining, but they also tend to be slightly less busy. This is because most guests don’t want to deal with the hassle of transportation back and forth to a resort (especially if it isn’t a resort they are staying at). Don’t neglect the resorts – you’ll be missing out on great food, as well as the ability to check out a resort you may want to stay at on a future trip!