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Daily Jigsaw Puzzle: Sunshine Tree Terrace Poster

If you can’t be at Magic Kingdom today to sip on some sunshine with a Citrus Swirl or DOLE Whip from Sunshine Tree Terrace, at least you can complete a tantalizing puzzle of the popular location’s sign!

Quick Tip: Do you want to make the puzzle easier or more challenging? Select the grid option to adjust the number of pieces before pressing “OK” to start the puzzle.

Puzzle created by Jigsaw Explorer

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More About Sunshine Tree Terrace

Sunshine Tree Terrace, located in Adventureland at Magic Kingdom, is a charming quick-service spot renowned for its refreshing treats and tropical ambiance.

Sunshine Tree Terrace Citrus Swirl
Credit: Disney

This quaint eatery is the home of the iconic Citrus Swirl, a delightful combination of vanilla soft serve and tangy orange slush, which has become a must-try for park visitors. The menu also features other delicious snacks and beverages, such as the DOLE Whip orange soft-serve swirled with vanilla. It is a perfect stop for a quick pick-me-up amid the excitement of the park!

Credit: Disney

The terrace’s nostalgic, tiki-themed decor pays homage to the classic Disney character Orange Bird, a symbol of the original Sunshine Pavilion from the 1970s. Sunshine Tree Terrace continues to delight guests with its unique offerings and vibrant, retro atmosphere, making it a beloved staple of Magic Kingdom’s culinary landscape.

What’s your favorite menu item from Sunshine Tree Terrace? Let us know in the comments!

Daniel Hudacko

Daniel is a Disney enthusiast who loves spending time in the parks with his family and friends. He thinks one of the best things in the world is watching someone enjoy an experience at Disney World for the first time. He believes you should just keep swimming, that giving up is for rookies, that even miracles take a little time, and adventure is out there!

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