
Deciding Between Port Orleans French Quarter and Port Orleans Riverside

4. Bus Transportation

Riverside is a bigger resort and because of the size of the resort, there are four bus stops throughout the resort. This is convenient if you have a room that is not close to the main building, but can be frustrating when returning back to your room after a long day in the park. French Quarter has only one bus stop because the footprint of the resort is much smaller. This is nice when returning home at the end of the day and you don’t have to make a complete circuit around the resort. During the slow seasons at Disney, the resorts often share buses, but when they are running separately, we prefer French Quarter and the increased ease of transportation from here!


Tyler is a lawyer living in South Florida who visits Disney World at least once a month. He enjoys re-living classic Disney experiences and discovering new things about the parks when he visits. Friends and family always ask him to plan their trip for maximum Disney magic!

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