
Disney Digest: Your Insider’s Guide to the Marquee Attractions At Walt Disney World – Volume One

Space Mountain is one of the most nostalgic attractions in all of Walt Disney World.  Guests are sure to use one of their Fast Pass experiences on this marquee attraction and usually try to sneak an extra ride of two in before the park closes.  Though some say it is better equipped for EPCOT, due to the forward thinking and astronomical theme of it, I can’t imagine not seeing that massive white structure staring at me while riding into the Magic Kingdom on the monorail.

Next week we head over to one of the newest attractions in all of Walt Disney World, the Seven Dwarf’s Mine Train.


Born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts, Mike Procopio had his first Disney adventure later than most in 2011 for his 30th birthday. He has been hooked ever since and is now the "go-to guy" for friends and family who are planning Disney vacations. Mike is also an accomplished athlete as a junior national judo champion. He also enjoys golf, writing for the NFL, and travel.

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