
Remains of Deceased Person Found Inside Disneyland Ride

Star Wars Rise Resistance Queue
Credit: Inside the Magic Alex Lue

The remains of a deceased person reportedly wound up on one of Disney’s most complicated and popular theme park attractions.

Internal shot of Star Wars Resistance

Credit: Disney

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The Disney theme parks are notorious for their diehard fans. Disney guests will stand in line for hours to experience iconic rides and attractions like Space Mountain, Haunted Mansion, and Peter Pan’s Flight. However, some fans take things a step further, with one fan allegedly dumping the ashes of a deceased person onto an actual attraction.

While strictly prohibited, spreading the remains of a loved one at the Disney parks has become somewhat of a common practice amongst the most diehard fans. It’s an activity that is against the rules, but with how many people visit the Disney parks, it’s impossible to monitor all illicit behavior.

Dark rides like Haunted Mansion are a prime spot when it comes to spreading ashes due to the nature of the ride’s theming as well as how dark the ride literally is. However, this is the first known instance of ashes being spread through Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance.

Reddit user -_-Voltage-_- shared a few shocking photos online to the surprise of hundreds of Disneyland guests. The post includes two photos, both of which show off a very dusty section of track on Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance. The work lights appear to be on, indicating these photos were taken during maintenance.

Ashes on Attractions

Ashes on Attractions
by inDisneyland

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“Had to clean some ashes today,” starts the post, presumably being shared by a Disneyland cast member. The Reddit user claims a guest spread the remains of a loved one while riding the attraction.

The Reddit user advises against this activity, not only because it is against the rules but also because it may affect the ride itself. The alleged cast member notes that the ashes get spread out across the attraction and are “ravaged” and “dragged” by the ride vehicles themselves.

Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance is one of Walt Disney Imagineering’s greatest achievements and is a modern marvel in the world of theme park rides. The attraction features a multitude of different ride techniques and systems that combine into one action-packed experience.

The ride is trackless, much like Mickey & Minnie’s Runaway Railway or Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure, meaning it’s crucial that the ride vehicle paths stay clear at all times. Guests are always advised against littering during rides but throwing items onto a trackless ride system may prove to be catastrophic, forcing Disney to shut down the attraction for extended periods of time.

Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance is located in Galaxy’s Edge portion of Disneyland Park and is one of the most popular spots at the entire Disneyland Resort.

Spreading ashes is actually quite a common activity for the Disney parks, with stories dating back decades of guests pouring out the remains of their loved ones on more appropriate attractions like Haunted Mansion and even Pirates of the Caribbean. Spreading ashes while aboard a ride or attraction is strictly prohibited by Disney, but this warning has not stopped dozens of guests from doing so over the last few decades.

What are your thoughts on this story? Let us know in the comment section!

This post Remains of Deceased Person Found Inside Disneyland Ride appeared first on Inside the Magic.

About Luke Dammann

When at Disney world, Luke will probably be found eating with his favorite animatronic, Sonny Eclipse at Cosmic Ray's Starlight Cafe. When not at Disney World, Luke will probably be found defending Cosmic Ray's Starlight Cafe to people who claim "there are better restaurants"

One comment

  1. I always wanted my ashes sprinkled over the happiest place on earth. Haunted Mansion if my favorite ride. I’m sure my family won’t do it. But it’s a nice thought to be with happy people. But maybe Incould pay to have a nice Erin put in the Haunted Mansion

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