
The Top 7 Special Events at Disney World for Your Bucket List

6. Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party

Held every year beginning on various nights in September through Halloween, this hard-ticket event at the Magic Kingdom invites guests to come to the park in their costumes and trick-or-treat throughout the park. Guests will also be able to encounter Disney characters, ride their favorite rides, as well as enjoy special entertainment options with the Mickey’s Boo To You Parade, Hocus Pocus Spelltacular Stage Show, and HalloWishes! A truly magical experience can be had by going to one of the last Halloween parties and one of the first Christmas parties so you can see just how quickly and how well the holiday decorations at the Magic Kingdom can be changed!


Tyler is a lawyer living in South Florida who visits Disney World at least once a month. He enjoys re-living classic Disney experiences and discovering new things about the parks when he visits. Friends and family always ask him to plan their trip for maximum Disney magic!

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