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Our Personal List Of The Coolest Jobs at Disney World

They’re always smiling, greeting passers-by with a cheery “how are you today?” Always diligent and competently completing their tasks, they make our time at Disney World Resort oh-so-nice… can you guess who I’m talking about? Yep! That’s right! Our tireless Disney Cast Members. After countless hours in the parks, resorts and Downtown Disney, I’ve developed a mental list of what I think are the coolest jobs in Disney World. Here it is in no particular order:

1. Bibbidy Bobbidy Boutique Stylist

Transforming little girls into princesses – they’re a real-life Fairy Godmother! I’m sure sometimes they get the occasional diva that is hard-to-handle but for the most part, I’m sure most of the little girls that sit in the chair are excited to be there and make the transformation process a delight!

2. Pyrotechnics Expert

Sure, the loud booms and chance of catching fire are downsides, but, who doesn’t like blowing stuff up? If you catch fire, you can jump into the lagoon and save yourself. (Just kidding!) What fun it would be to be a part of the spectacle and pageantry?!

3. Disney Imagineer

These are the rockstars at Disney who dream all this stuff up. For instance, designing the structures, decor, landscaping and food to serve around Africa and Asia in Animal Kingdom. Or how about the art directors that design and illustrate all the t-shirts, coffee mugs and other paraphernalia people peruse and buy in the many stores around the parks and resorts. Fun fact – did you know that Disney Imagineers are required to live in the culture they’re tasked with rendering in a park? For instance the team that designed Africa in Animal Kingdom were required to live in Africa for 3 years immersing themselves in the culture so that they create the most authentic experience imaginable for their part of Animal Kingdom. Talk about an all-expenses-paid, extended vacation to an exotic locale!

4. Disney Princess

This one’s for the ladies out there. You’ll always have a gorgeous outfit to wear. You’ll never have a hair out of place, and children will run joyfully into your arms for hugs and kisses and ask for your autograph. An added bonus is the assistant Disney gives you to help with crowd control and cater to your every whim!

5. Puppeteer in “Festival of the Lion King”

I wonder if their arms get tired? They’re probably in pretty good shape considering the multiple shows a day. Great music, great story, fuzzy animals – what a great gig!

6. Animal Keeper in Kilimanjaro Safari

Steaks anyone? Can you imagine actually getting close enough to see the lions on this ride that are so often out of sight? I’m guessing they’re happy to rouse themselves to dine on some red meat!

7. Tinkerbell Zip Liner in Magic Kingdom’s Nightly Show

Talk about having the best view in the park! You’ll be high above crowds gasping in delight as you fly from the princess castle to Tomorrowland! Plus your outfit would light up! I wonder if it’s a job only for the ladies? I’d bet some guys would be up for this action even if they did have to dress like a girl!

8. Street Performer

Imagine you’re really awesome at something like dancing to Bollywood music in Animal Kingdom, playing a brass instrument in a band in Magic Kingdom, spinning plates while juggling bowling pins in Fantasyland – you’d be able to make money doing something off-the-wall and never sit in a cubicle or office again. I wonder if they get business cards with their job titles on them? I can see it now – Joe Smith – Professional Knife Thrower and Fire Eater

9. Person who Stocks Shelves With Stuffed Animals in Disney Stores

Fuzzy, wuzzy, soft faces of your beloved characters always at hand – talk about a low-stress occupation. I’m guessing there’s a bit of box toting to be done in this job but – no biggie! Knowing the fruits of your labors will be thousands of children dozing off to sleep hugging their new “lovey” that you supplied.

10. The “Roastmaster”

The overseer of the slow roast pig for the luau at the Polynesian resort. Talk about the eternal BBQ of fun! This sounds like a great job unless you’re the guy who has to dig the pit.

11. Ariel the Mermaid in the Disney’s Festival of Fantasy Parade – Magic Kingdom

What’s not to love about sitting in a giant shell with a shell bra flapping your mermaid tail high above the kids! You’d have to make sure your abs are up-to-snuff but you’d also get to wear that glorious wig of bright red hair!!!

12. Night Guard at Magic Kingdom

Can you imagine having the park all to yourself? I love the action and bustle of the parks, but I’ve wished more than once that I could walk slowly through Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Hollywood Studios or Animal Kingdom exploring every nook and cranny having the experience all to myself. I picture myself walking up Main Street USA towards Cinderella’s Castle. All is quiet and pristine in the moonlight. I glance up and there’s the castle, its’ gothic windows lit with amber lights filling me with a sense of magic and wonder. Aaahhhh Disney! The most magical place on earth – even for their employees!

Check out 12 Of The Coolest Jobs at Disney World – Part II

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Becky is a full time wife, mother and graphic designer. She loves all-things Disney and loves sharing her advice and experiences on DisneyFanatic.com.

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