Disney Parks

12 Most Expensive Activities At Disney World

The moment we hear the word Disney, many of us immediately see emerald green dollar signs everywhere. It’s no doubt that Disney is expensive, and when most families plan our vacations to the happiest place on earth, they tend to budget as much as possible. If you’re not on a budget, want to indulge, or simply close your eyes and fantasize, here are the top 12 most expensive activities at Disney World.


Natalie is an elementary school teacher and a native Floridian who lives and breathes all things Disney. Her love for Disney started at the age of two during her first visit, and has continued to flourish into her adult life. She loves to share her Disney passion with her students and believes Disney is so special because there is no other place to forget about your worries and be a kid again, which is why she refuses to ‘grow up’.

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